• Where a Love of Learning Grows

    Accredited Montessori Education in Old Saybrook for children ages 1-12.

  • Montessori Elementary School

    1st through 6th grade

  • Montessori for Toddlers

    Ages 1-3


Why The Children’s Tree Montessori School?

We Emphasize More than Just Academics

We honor your child’s individuality and focus on curiosity, independence, compassion, collaboration, and critical thinking, preparing him or her to take on the future with confidence, propelled by the gift of self knowledge and a passion for learning.

…but the Academics Are a Huge Strength. 

It is not uncommon to see four-year-olds in our school reading, six-year-olds completing long division problems, and nine-year-olds classifying botanical specimens. The Montessori curriculum presents skills at the time when children are most ready to learn.

We’re a Community.

Our independent school is a community for more than just childcare. We view our relationship with you as a partnership, working together for the benefit of your child. Because children thrive when home and school work in harmony. 

Our Programs

The Nest

1 - 3 years

Some refer to this developmental period as “The Terrible Twos.” We disagree; toddlers are terrific. We love everything about them – their energy, determination and curiosity – and purposefully created a very special place for your toddler to learn.

The Children's House

3 - 6 years

The Primary program is truly a gift to your child. Designed for preschool and Kindergarten  children between the ages of 3 to 6 years, it is an opportunity to nurture his individual development within the context of a group setting. The result? Self-confidence, joy and a lifelong love-for-learning.

Where Unlimited Learning is Elementary

6 years - 12 years

The independent Elementary school for grades 1st-6th offers your child an unparalleled opportunity for growth in this new period of life. Your imaginative, social and creative child needs a school environment with appropriate freedom and limitations, with an expansive self-paced curriculum to support her curiosity and prepare her for the challenges of the future.

Journey to Independence

1 - 3 years

Some refer to this developmental period as “The Terrible Twos.” We disagree; toddlers are terrific. We love everything about them – their energy, determination and curiosity – and purposefully created a very special place for your toddler to learn.

A Love for Learning

3 - 6 years

The Primary program is truly a gift to your child. Designed for children between the ages of 3 to 6 years, it is an opportunity to nurture his individual development within the context of a group setting. The result? Self-confidence, joy and a lifelong love-for-learning.

Learning How to Think

6 years - 12 years

The Elementary program offers your child an unparalleled opportunity for growth in this new period of life. Your imaginative, social and creative child needs an environment with appropriate freedom and limitations, with an expansive curriculum to support her curiosity and prepare her for the challenges of the future.

How to Apply


Schedule a Tour

View our classrooms, observe, and learn more about Montessori education.


Submit an Application

After your tour you are invited to apply for your child.


Join the Community

Meet other parents, connect with us on social media and get acquainted with our community.

Our School


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Our Blog

Materials Spotlight: The Grammar Boxes
30 Sep, 2024
Grammar Boxes make learning grammar fun through interactive games, acting, and creative exercises, enhancing language skills and comprehension.
Grammar the Montessori (Fun) Way!
23 Sep, 2024
Montessori classrooms make grammar fun with games and activities that teach parts of speech, syntax, and sentence structure, fostering a love for language.
8 Tips to Make School or Daycare Drop Off Easier – From a Teacher!
20 Sep, 2024
https://themontessoriroom.com/blogs/montessori-tips/8-tips-to-make-school-or-daycare-drop-off-easier-from-a-teacher With a new school year approaching, we thought it would be helpful to share some school drop-off tips. Drop off, especially at first, can be a hard transition for everyone – the children, parents, and teachers! Katie, an RECE and Montessori Toddler teacher, has 10+ years of experience starting a new school year and has welcomed many new children into her classroom. Here are her 8 tips to make drop off easier: 1. Create a Predictable Drop Off Routine It's helpful to create a drop off routine with your child. This appeals to their need for order and creates predictability. For example, you could tell them in advance," I'm going to give you a BIG bear hug and 5 kisses at the door and you're going to go inside with your teacher. I'll be back to pick you up when school is finished." Make it special and just for drop off. Once you say goodbye, walk away and let the teachers take over. If they are experienced teachers, they've handled these types of new transitions countless times and know what to do. 2. Your Energy is Important Your energy is important because your child will pick up on how you're feeling. Ideally, you're feeling confident, calm, and optimistic. Even if you're feeling a little sad, it's best to keep your energy calm until your child is in the classroom. It's wonderful to share your emotions with your child, but expressing them right at the classroom door will likely make the day harder for your child. 3. Talk About It Young children often understand more than we give them credit for. On the way to drop off, you can talk to your child about school and what to expect. Follow their lead and avoid pushing the topic but you can talk about the different fun parts about school, i.e. there are so many fun toys to play with, nice children to play with, a friendly teacher, new books and songs, etc. 4. Give Them Something to Look Forward To After School Young children don't really have a concept of time, so part of your drop off routine may be giving them something to look forward to, like "We can go to the park after school" or" I'll bring your bike when I pick you up and we can go for a bike ride." These types of comments are also helpful for the teacher to hear because they can create dialogue around it and remind the child throughout the day “Daddy said you're going to the park after school, what do you like to do at the park?” 5. Don't Sneak Away  This is difficult for the child because they will eventually realize you're no longer there and it's very upsetting for them. ALWAYS say goodbye. 6. Don't Visit Try to avoid walking by the school throughout the day. Seeing you may confuse or upset them when they realize that you're not there to pick them up. 7. Validate Feelings If your child is sad or having difficult feelings at drop off, it can help to validate those feelings – "I can see that you're sad. I love you so much and I'll see you after school.” 8. Avoid Bribery Try to avoid bribery unless you're prepared to “reward” them every day. It can become an expectation and add another hurdle to drop off once you've removed the reward. If Your Child is Still Struggling With Drop Off if you or your child is still struggling with drop off, Katie made a few more notes here: https://themontessoriroom/com/montessori-tips/what-to-do-if-your-child-is-struggling-with-school-or-daycare-drop-off While a new school or daycare can be a difficult adjustment for some children, rest assured they will eventually settle in. It can help to talk to the teachers about how you're feeling because they might have more tips based on your child.
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