Parents may fill out the application, which can be found and submitted via the FACTS website by clicking here (you will be redirected to the FACTS web site.) Financial aid decisions are based on the need of the family for the coming year. If financial aid is needed for more than one year, the family must submit a new application each school year. Financial aid is defined as a reduction in tuition granted to families who have demonstrated eligibility through an objective assessment of their financial position.
Priority in considering applications for financial aid will typically be given to:
• Families who have two or more children enrolled in the school
• Families who have been with the school for several years
• Children of faculty and staff members
• Families with both parents working full time
• Families who are enrolled in higher education
In all cases, careful consideration will be given to any special contributions the student or family has made to the life of the school. For further information, contact the school office.
Bartering is another option at CTMS. We do our best to ensure that all families can afford a CTMS educational experience. Contact the office for more information.
All families who are considering applying for financial aid should also apply for Care4Kids. Care4Kids is a state supplemental program that offers financial support for children enrolled in our toddler, preschool, and before and after school programs. Please call the office for more information and help filling out the application. Visit to learn more and to apply.
ESAs allow you to withdraw your child from public or charter schools and receive a deposit of public funds into government-authorized savings accounts that have restricted, but multiple, uses, including for private school tuition and fees. Eligibility restrictions apply.
In 2018, 529 Savings Accounts, previously limited to savings for college tuitions, were expanded to cover K–12 expenses, including private school tuition. Up to $10,000 can be distributed annually to pay for the cost of sending your child to a public or private elementary or secondary school—including Montessori schools. Visit EdChoice to learn more.
Main Campus:
96 Essex Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475
860.388.3536 • 860-388-4756
Maritime Campus:
203 Ferry Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475
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The Children's Tree Montessori School