We appreciate your support. Gifts of any size greatly impact the school community and educational experience of all students. In addition, volunteering, donations of goods, and participation in our fundraising efforts all contribute to the success of the Children’s Tree Fund.
Supporting the Children’s Tree Fund also allows us to bridge the gap between what tuition covers and the cost of a quality accredited AMS Montessori education for your children.
Many of stretch to give to CTMS because of the value we place on education and community. Charitable contributions are tax-deductible, and allow us to offer a CTMS education to more families, while maintaining the excellence of our programs.
The Children’s Tree Montessori School will responsibly allocate your gift to the area of greatest need. For this school year we are designating funds to the following:
Online – Credit Card
Credit card donations can be made securely online using the donation link on our Giving page. You can choose to have your gift charged to your credit card at one time, or select a monthly schedule.
Cash or Checks
Gifts can be made to CTMS in the form of cash or check, thereby lowering our processing fees and allowing more resources to go toward school programs. Please make checks payable to Children’s Tree Montessori School, 96 Essex Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many employers will match gifts made by their employees to non-profit organizations. Please check with your employer to see if you are eligible. If you are eligible your gift may be doubled or tripled!
Appreciated Securities
If you would like to donate appreciated securities, please contact our office. Gifts of appreciated securities such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds are fully tax-deductible charitable contributions. CTMS is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Memorial and Honor Gifts
A gift may be made in memory of a loved one or to honor a special person, teacher, birthday, or special occasion. When gifts of this nature are received the office notifies the family member of the gift. All gifts are recognized in the annual report.
Donation of Goods
In-kind gifts of supplies or books are always welcomed. Ask for teacher wish lists.
Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop has an A+ bonus bucks program for schools. All you have to do is:
1. Register your Stop & Shop card at A Plus
2. Select our school as the one you would like to help
It is that simple. From there every time you shop with your card, stop and shop will donate a certain number of points to the school. These points add up to dollars. Tell all of your friends and families to do the same. The more people who participate the greater the reward is for the school.
Good Search
Set Good Search as your browser (powered by Yahoo, it is safe and legit) by going to Good Search, making it your home page. Select our school as the organization you would like to support. Use good search as your search engine and they will donate 1 cent for every search you do. Also use good search as your porthole to all of your shopping and each store will donate a percentage of your sale to the school. Amazon, Toys R Us, and even E-bay participate!
Box Tops for Kids
We also collect box tops. They are the colorful stamps that you find on may products that you purchase. From office supplies to plastic wrap and everything in between. For each box top you bring to school, we receive 10 cents. It does not seem like much but last year we earned over $100 for school supplies! We attached a zip lock bag to the fridge with a magnet, which is a great reminder. There is a deposit box in the main entry of the school.
Ink Cartridges
We recycle your ink cartridges at Staples each month and receive $60 in Staples merchandise free! Bring in your old ink cartridges from your home printer to help us out. There is a bin in the entryway for them.
AmazonSmile – smile.amazon.com
If you shop on Amazon, using AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com as opposed to www.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to The Children’s Tree School.
Sign in to your regular Amazon account from smile.amazon.com. Go to Your Account and then select the option to Change your Charity to The Children’s Tree Montessori School. Make sure all future purchases are then made through smile.amazon.com, and CTMS will get a donation all eligible purchases.
Goodshop.com provides great shopping deals on the internet, and also makes a donation to the nonprofit or school of your choice for almost every purchase you make. Click here to try it out today!
Scholastic Book Club
Place and distribute book orders each month, order through the school or use the school code (GKKCY) to order online: https://orders3.scholastic.com/GKKCY
There are some things that even money can’t buy, and one of the most valuable contributions that families make to The Children’s Tree Montessori School is the gift of their time and expertise. Parents, grandparents, and friends of the school are often found helping out in the office, assisting in the classrooms, serving as field trip drivers, offering a Studio, planning the next special event, coaching, or serving on parents’ associations or school committees.
For a more comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities, browse through our volunteer page. If you have any ideas of your own, please let us know.
Our teachers attend 20 hours of continuing education each school year. From workshops to retreats, these trainings ensure that our teachers have the latest information and techniques to share with their students.
A large part of our program is the afternoon enrichment classes that the Primary and Elementary students participate in each week. CTMS values the expertise of professionals and enjoys brining in local members of the community to expand our music, art, foreign language and movement programs. Our school has been hosting yoga for its students since 2000!
The Elementary students “go out” at least once per week. Going out, as it is known in Montessori terms, is designed to foster independence and give children real-life experiences. Starting with local shopping trips and visits to the library to local and out of state field trips, they even travel outside of the country.
Main Campus:
96 Essex Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475
860.388.3536 • 860-388-4756
Maritime Campus:
203 Ferry Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475
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The Children's Tree Montessori School